Furthermore, it can also significantly increase, in the future, the final production of consumer goods and the real income of all economic agents. 此外,它能显著地增加未来的最终消费品生产,以及全部经济主体的实际收入。
This includes transactions at the time of sale,( either on the Web or by phone), as well as a final check before the delivery of goods to customers. 这包括销售时(网上或通过电话)的事务以及在向客户交付货物前的最后检查。
Gross national product ( GNP) is the market value of the output of final goods and services produced by the nation's economy. 国民生产总值(NP)国家经济所提供的制成品和劳务总量的市场价值。
The most popular way to comprehend the economy is by tracking GDP, or gross domestic product, the final market value of all goods and services produced. 理解经济最为流行的办法就是追踪GDP,即国内生产总值&所生产全部商品和服务的最终市场价值。
GDP is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year. 国内生产总值是指在一国或一地区之内生产的所有最终产品和服务的市场价值。
First, more pricey Chinese labour still represents only a fraction of the final price of goods sold in Europe and the US. 首先,提高之后的中国劳动力成本,在欧美所售产品的最终价格中,仍只占到很小的一部分。
Some firms are more concerned with producing the benefits: their management focus is on the flow of raw materials into the production process rather than on delivering the final goods to the user. 有些企业更注重于生产利益,它们的管理重点是从原材料到产品的过程,而非将成品运送到客户的过程。
Total, final payment is always due before goods leave the production site. 最后的全部款项也应该在产品离开工厂后付清。
Many economists say the focus on the currency is misleading, arguing that the trade surplus reflects an explosion in demand in developed countries and a shift by manufacturers to China as a final point of assembly for their goods. 许多经济学家表示,把重点放在人民币上会产生误导,他们主张,贸易顺差反映了发达国家需求的爆炸式增长,同时也反映出制造商转而将中国作为其产品装配的最后环节。
In addition, the rise in trade has been fastest in intermediate products the electronics supply chain, for example so much of the demand for final goods remains in the G3. 此外,在贸易增长中,增速最快的是中间产品如电子产品供应链因此,对制成品的主要需求仍来自g3国家。
A final issue for companies involved in shipping goods and supplies around the world is piracy. 对涉及全球航运货物和供应的企业而言,一个关键问题是海盗。
Overcapacity and strong competition leaves few firms with the ability to fully pass these higher costs on to final goods prices, he said. 罗斯曼表示:由于产能过剩和竞争激烈,没有几家企业能够把这些增加的成本转移到最终产品价格上。
A nation's GDP is equal to the total output of all final goods and services produced by the nation in a period of time. 一个国家的国内生产总值相当于该国在一段时间内所有最终商品和劳务的总产量。
However, their intermediate exports have been rising faster than that of final goods, resulting in a stronger dependence on components than at the start of the decade. 不过,它们的半成品出口一直比制成品出口增长快,使得它们对零部件出口的依赖度较2000年有了增强。
Jong wha-lee of the Asian Development Bank says a sharp rise over recent years in intra-regional trade disguises the fact that 60 per cent of final demand for Asian goods comes from developed countries. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)的李金沃(jongwha-lee)表示,近年来地区内部贸易的大幅攀升,掩盖了这样一个事实:亚洲商品最终需求的60%都来自发达国家。
The warranty period shall be 12 months counting from the date on which the buyer, the end-user and the seller sign the Certificate of Final Acceptance of the Contract Goods. 保证期自买方,最终用户和卖方签署合同货物最终验收证书之日起十二个月。
These are due, the authors reckon, to variation in "total factor productivity" ( TFP) or the efficiency with which an economy transforms raw inputs into final goods. 作者认为这些差距是因为“全要素生产率”(tfp)的不同或一个经济体将原料转换为最终商品效率的不同。
Forward integration: Refers to a firm whose activities extend over more than one subsequent stage of the production process of transforming raw materials into final goods. 前向一体化:在原料转化为最终产品的过程中,企业的经营范围涉及其中一个以上的生产阶段。
Considering the substantial differences between final goods markets and intermediate ones, we can draw different conclusions. 鉴于最终消费品市场与中间产品市场的本质区别,理论研究的结果也有很大不同。
Most recent researches on price discrimination are focus on final goods markets, in which monopolistic firms can discriminate against consumers. 现有经济学文献对价格歧视的研究主要集中在最终消费品市场上,关注的焦点是拥有垄断势力的厂商对消费者实施的歧视性行为。
Positive study by applying logistic model shows that market uncertainty of intermediate goods affects M A positively, but market uncertainty of final goods affects M A negatively. 运用logistic模型进行实证研究的结果表明,中间产品市场的不确定性对并购的影响是正向的,但最终产品市场的不确定性对并购的影响是负向的。
On the basis of Ref. [ 1~ 4], the relationships between direct economic ef-fect, output, final goods and complete economic effect are put forward. Some deep relations in various natinal economy departments are revealed. 在文献〔1~4〕基础上,进一步研究了完全经济效益与直接经济效益、产出、最终产品之间的相互关系,由此揭示出国民经济各部门之间的一些深层联系。
A common characteristic of the four elements is their close relation to market including factor market, market of final consumption goods and market of intermediate input products. 这四个因素的共同特点是与市场密切相关,既包括要素市场,也包括最终消费品市场,还包括中间投入品市场。
Subsidiary corporation B is a downstream firm that produces final goods using intermediate goods and capital as input. 子公司B是下游企业,用中间商品和资本作为输入生产最终商品。
System provides users with shopping cart module. In this module, users make a final confirmation of purchase goods. Generate orders for the purchase of goods, and complete the purchase process. 并且系统为用户提供购物车模块,在该模块中用户对自己所选购的商品进行最后确认,生成用户购买商品订单,完成整个购买过程。
Tally for the international carriage of goods by delivery process is an indispensable part, guarded by a final clearance of imported goods, the export goods first off, to third parties for goods delivery quantity and quality produce legal proof. 理货作为国际海上货物运输交接过程中不可缺少的环节,把守着进口货物最后一关,出口货物第一关,以第三方的身份为进出口货物交接的数量和质量出具具有法律效力的证明。
The exchange rate volatility is not totally transferred to the import price, because imported intermediate goods form only part of final goods, and the effects of exchange rate fluctuation on the export price, the wholesale price and retail price is gradually decreasing. 由于汇率波动并非完全转嫁到进口价格,进口中间产品只是最终产品的组成部分,因此,汇率波动对出口价格、批发物价和消费价格的影响是不断递减的。
Structure, final goods, concentration ratio of the mineral resource industry and relationship with economy and society development are analyzed. 提出了矿产资源产业的概念、研究范围,具体分析了河北省的矿产资源产业的概况、产品方案、结构、集中度等指标,以及河北省矿产资源产业与经济社会发展的关系。